vote for Shani Pandya
Shortlisted nominee in category of "Greenpreneur Award - E-Vehicle"
About Imagine Powertree Pvt. Ltd.
Imagine Powertree Private Limited is Sustainable Technology Innovation Venture which design, engineer and manufacture Solar Powered Products like Solar Powered EV Charging Station, SolarTree and Multiple Others. Company holds 18+ Design Parents (7 are already granted by the patent office), 10+ national and international awards and other recognitions.
// post image
// company name
//echo $post_id = get_the_ID();
// FOunder Name
//echo $post_meta['name_of_the_founder'][0];
// category
// echo $post_meta['applied_categories'][0];
//$postID = get_queried_object_id();
//get_post_meta( int $post_id, string $key = '', bool $single = false )