Greenpreneur 2024 Nominee

Gyan Enviro-Greenpreneur 2023 Nominee

vote for Gyan Enviro

Shortlisted nominee in category of "Greenpreneur Award -Recycling"

About Gyan Enviro

Gyan Enviro has been actively involved in the environmental sector since 2002 and is registered under The Indian Partnership Act 1932 (Act IX of 1932). They specialize in providing consultancy services for environmental management and control. Their expertise covers various areas such as ETP/STP design, construction, operation, and maintenance, hazardous waste management, environmental monitoring including air quality, wastewater quality, noise quality, and research and development in environmental management technologies. They also assist in obtaining necessary consents for establishment, operation, and renewal. Gyan Enviro possesses a highly skilled and experienced workforce to ensure compliance with environmental monitoring and MPCB regulations. Their past projects include the supply, erection, commissioning, operation, and maintenance of various treatment plants like Effluent Treatment Plant, Sewage Treatment Plant, Ultra Filtration, Reverse Osmosis, Multi Electric Evaporation cum Zero Liquid Discharge Plant, and Iron Removal Plant. They have served clients such as CEAT Limited, Hindalco Industries Limited, and Ambuja Cement Ltd in their pursuit of sustainable solutions.

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