About Greenpreneur
Greenpreneur now offers you a unique opportunity to join the green movement through membership. This membership is open to all stakeholders involved in sustainable and green activities.
Membership provides you with unique reach and access to resources, thereby giving you a competitive edge. By becoming a member of Greenpreneur, you join a community of professionals who are charting the green path for a better world.
Greenpreneur, a business community, provides a platform for various stakeholders to share issues, exchange feedback, and accelerate the phenomenon of change in sustainability. The aim of this community is to bring together leaders of large groups, SMEs, and ETIs, along with institutional experts, associations, and innovative players. The goal is to involve all stakeholders in a sustainable transformation process of the economy, known as Positive Impact. This platform serves as a means to unite the community of sustainability leaders and foster collaboration towards creating a better future for our planet.